Kassia, a contestant recently evicted from Big Brother Naija ‘No Loose Guard’, shared her struggles with keeping physical distance from her husband, Kellyrae, during their time in the house.
As reported by DAILY POST, the couple opted to conceal their marriage from the other housemates as part of their game plan.
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In an interview with Pulse following her eviction, Kassia revealed that acting like she was single was particularly challenging for her, especially since physical touch is one of her primary love languages.
She mentioned that her friendship with Victoria played a significant role in helping her manage the situation without engaging in physical contact with Kellyrae.
“It was challenging to withhold physical affection from my husband, especially because physical touch is one of my love languages. I felt constrained,” Kassia explained. “However, Victoria was a great support for me. You probably noticed how often I hugged her; she provided me with comfort.”